- Numerus
I - Barcelona - 6.06. 2006
Barcinonensis . Series Palaeontologica I: 3-7. Barcelona.
– The histroy
of genus Sensuitrochus
is recorded.
This genus was briefly described by Quintero & Revilla (1966), Kiel & Bandel
included this genus into family Cirridae,
underlining the character of sinustrorsity.
But the
aperture of the Sensuitrochus
does not fit in this family, so this
genus is again placed in trochidae, as Calzada did. Besides, the synonymy between Sensuitrochus and Shikamacirrus
is not accepted.
The history of genus Pachymya
is recorded.
The opinion of Cox in Treatise is accepted and followed. The species "Panopaea" aptiensis
is included in this genus. Besides Pachymya piqueri
is described as a n. sp.
It comes from the
Lower Aptian of Teruel
Province (Iberian Cordillera). But it is also reported here from
Area (
new species named Baueria
angelae is describred from marine beds (Fm. Serraduy) of the La Puebla de Roda
Series Palaeontologica
- Numerus
II - Barcelona - 1.01.2007
– A new species
named Ambipleurus
viladensis is
from marine beds in the Middle Eocene of South-Est
the Pyrenees (Northeast of
– The larval
stages (protaspis, merapsis
and holapsis) of Drevermannia
pruvosti and Drevermannia
bittneri are described. They come from the Cànoves outcrop (
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus III -
Barcelona - 15-08.2007
RESUMEN – Declaramos
que el cambio climático,
existe, no puede
ser causado por el hombre.
ABSTRACT – We declare that climate change at the Earth, if it exists, could not be caused by man.
– Pachymya carrascoi is described as a new
species. It
comes from the
of Obón (Teruel
province – Iberian
Mountain range).
– Palaeontology. Mollusca.
Bivalvia. New species.
Pliensbachian. Lias
– A new
trilobite outcroup from the Upper Wenlock-Lower
Ludlow (Middle-Upper Silurian) of Cerler (
– Trilobita, Middle-Upper
Silurian, cerler,
– This finding
represent the first descriptions
of the trace activity
of a school of fish.
The dominant position
of the trace
and the
characters of the
sedimentary paleoenvironment
lead us to think
that is a school
of fish that left
their mark by sudden death.
RESUMEN – Se describen tres nuevas especies del género Lehua: Lehua corbachoi, Lehua colli y Lehua ponti, del Arenig inferior del Valle del Dra (Marruecos).
KEY WORDS – Palaeontology, Trilobita, Lehua, new species, Lower-Middle Arenig, Dra Valley (Morocco).
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus V -
Barcelona - 10-02.2008
Corbacho, Joan. Nuevas
especies de Lehua del
Ordovícico inferior del Valle de Dra
(Marruecos). Series Palaeontologica
- Numerus V,
3-13 pp. Barcelona.
– Three new
species of the
genus Lehua
(L. velai, L. iannacconei
and L. tahirii) from
Lower-Middle Arenig
Vela, J.A.
trilobites de Cataluña, NE de Aragón y Rosellón (SE
de Francia). Una revisión. Series
Palaeontologica - Numerus
V, 14-26 pp.
– An old paper (Vela, 1987) on the Trilobita of
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus VI -
Barcelona - 2-06.2008
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus VII -
Calzada, Sebastián. Sobre Nerinea
fournieri Vidal, 1917. pp. 3-5
Calzada, Sebastián. Sobre algunas
Nerineas cretácicas pp. 6-18
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus VIII -
Adserà, Perdro & Calzada, Sebastià. Holotipos y neotipos depositados en el MGSB (2000-2008) y addenda al Catálogo y a los Suplementos. 28 pp.
Series Poikilia - Numerus II - Barcelona - 20-1.2010
Calzada, Sebastián.. Los bosques caducifolios
u el dióxido de carbono. Una hipótesis
original. 14 pp. Barcelona.
RESUMEN – Proponemos
la relación entre las oscilaciones
anuales de dióxido
carbono y la caída de las hojas
en los bosques caducifolios de latitudes
ABSTRACT – We propose the relationship between annual variations of carbon dioxide and leaf fall in mid-latitude deciduous forests.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus IX - Barcelona, 19-03--2011
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus X - Barcelona, 20-06--2011
Sebastián, Calzada 2011. Una nueva especie del género Culmia. 3-6.
Joan Corbacho & Carlo Kier 2011. Trilobites of a new outcroup of Upper Ordovician in Jbel Tijarfaïouine, El Kaid Errami (Morocco) with first mention of genus Corrugatagnostus. 7-22 pp.
Calzada, Sebastián. Especies nuevas del Crétacico de España (1961-2011). 34 pp.
da una breve información de todas las especies de Plantas y
Foraminíferos del Cretácico español, descritos
como nuevas abarcando desde 1961 a 2011. Esta es la primera parte
de la obra general. Esta parte recoge las especies nuevas de Vegetales
y Protozoos. En 2011 se publicó la III parte que comprende los
ABSTRACT - The history of collection Coquand (1813-1881), stored in de National Museum of Natural History of Hyngary is recorded. The present problems of this collection are pointed out. This collection is very important because it contains many holootypes of Spain Cretaceous and related countrie.
KEY WORDS - Paleontology, Collection Coquand (1813 - 1881), Mainly Mollusca. Cretaceous. Aptian. Spain.
Calzada, Sebastián & Vilella, Joan. Una especie afín a Pholadomya gigantea en el Santoniense de Rubies (Prepirineo catalán). pp. 18-22
Calzada, Sebastián & Corbacho, Joan. Problema taxonómico entre los géneros Pterygia y Marginella (Gastropoda). pp. 23- 26
Series Poikilia = Miscellanea - Numerus III - Barcelona - 23.05.2013
Amics del Museu Geològic del Seminari de Barcelona. El Sireni de Montserrat. Síntesi històrica. 22 pp.
RESUM - El present escrit tracta de com es trobà el sireni Prototherium montserratense a la urbanització mas Enric (Sant Cristòfol, Castellbell i el Vilar), dins de l'eocè de Montserrat, de com s'excavà i de la seva restauració i estudi posterior.
ABSTRACT - This paper deals with the ramains of a sirenian Prototherium montserratense. The sirenian comes fromn Eocene beds of Montserrat. The persons which found, excaved, restored and studied this remains are recorded.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XV - Barcelona, 24-09--2013
Calzada, Sebastián, Kkuis Ma. Maza & Eduvigis Moreno. Especies nuevas del Cretácico de España (1961-2013). IV EQUINOIDEOS, BRIOZOOS & BRAQUIOPODOS
ABSTRACT - A simple record of each new species of echinodermata, bryozoa and brachiopoda from Cretacous of Spain is given...The record contains the name of the species, alphabetically arranged, its author and year, the original genus, where the holotype is stored and other taxonomical data.
Sebastián Calzada & José Antonio Buera Lozano. Nuevos datos sobre Chemnitzia aptiensis.
ABSTRACT - Chemnitzia aptiensis was described by Landerer (1872). This species was revised by Calzada et al. (1998). It was assigned to Microschiza. Several specimens have been now found in Chert, an outcrop cited by Landerer himself. The study of this new material confirms this assignment. The species belongs to Hauterivian.
José Francisco Carrasco & Sebastián Calzada. Sobre dos equinoideos miocénicos del Rif.
ABSTRACT - The species Schizechinus candeli and
Progonolampas candeli are
recorded. Schizechinus candeli come from Miocene (Helvetian) of
Beni-Chiquer or
Beni-Chikar (Nador province,
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XVI - Barcelona, 16-04--2014
Joan Corbacho. Struveaspis bignoni: Nueva especie de Phaeopidae (Trilobita) de Marruecos; Devónico medio (Eifeliense).
ABSTRACT- A new species of trilobites of the genus
Struveaspis from the Middle Devonian (Eifelian) of the region of
Tafilalt (Morocco) is described. The main feature that distinguishes it
from other species of the
same genus is its triangular shape of the cephalon, the lack of pleural
ribs and pygidial rings and smaller side lobe. A specimen of
Struveaspis aff. micromma from the same site (Jori) is also presented
KEYWORDS — Trilobita, Phacopidae, Devonian, Morocco.
Sebastián Calzada & José Mª Quintilla. Sobre unos fósiles aptienses de Fuente La Higuera (Valencia)
ABSTRACT — Neithea syriaca (Bivalvia) and Psilothyris oweni and Lorialithyris crusafonti, (Brachiopoda) from an aptian level of Fuente la Higuera (Valencia Province, East Spain) are studied. S0 the old determination of Brachiopoda are changed.Series Malacologica - Numerus II - Barcelona, 28-12-2014
M. Forés & C.R. Altaba. Una nueva especie de gasterópodo terrestre (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) de la isla de Mallorca pp. 3-12
ABSTRACT - On the basis of anatomical and conchological data, Xerocrassa ferrutxensis is described as a new species. This species is endemic of the northeastern tip of Majorca Island.
Maximino Forés. Identificación, presencia y distribución de Helicella bolenensis Locard, 1882) en Tarragona. pp. 12-26
ABSTRACT - The taxon Helicella bolenensis (Locard, 1882) is conchologically identifed and its presence in Tarragona is confirmed..
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XVII - Barcelona, 27-04--2015
Evaristo Aguilar. Teratología de algunos Aporrahis uttingeriana del Plioceno de Barcelona. pp. 3-6
ABSTRACT - Owing to revision and photography of the particular collection of Evaristo Aguilar, two specimens of the species Aporrahis uttingeriana (Russo, 1826) were found, which present teratologic phaenomena. They are here figurated.Series Malacologica - Numerus III - Barcelona, 21-06--2015
E. Casassas, M. Bosch & J. Altimiras. Finding of Polygyra cereolus (Mühlfeldt, 1816) in Catalonia. pp. 3-6Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XVIII - Barcelona, 14-11-2015
· Sebastián Calzada & Juan Corbacho. Sobre la atribución genérica de la especie Confusiscala caneroti. pp. 1-9Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XX - Barcelona 04-10-2017
J. A. Buera & E. Moreno. Algunos bivalvos del Albiense de
Traiguera. pp. 3-8
ABSTRACT – Some Bivalvia from the Albian of
Traiguera (
S. Calzada. Algunas anotaciones al trabajo de
Buitrón-Sánchez & López-Tinajero (1995). p. 9-13.
& López-Tinajero (1995) wrote a papper dealing with
Gastropods from
S. Calzada, J. Corbacho & E. Moreno. Algunos bivalvos del Aaleniense de Vilanova
de Meià. (Riu Merler). p. 14-22
bivalves coming from the Aalenian of Vilanova de Meià (
S. Calzada & J. Corbacho. Aguas
Cándidas (Prov. Burgos). Nueva localidad para Telothyris jauberti.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXII - Barcelona 15-09-2018
-The study of material from old collections, housed in the Geological
Museum of
the Barcelona Seminary (= MGSB), has resulted in the record of a new
genus, Ilerdapatiscus n. gen., being its type
species also new, and a new species, Glyphithyreus almerai n. sp. The new
taxons where recovered from limestones and marly strata with confirmed
from early to late Ilerdian (Ypresian, Eocene). The localities and
sites with
outcrops containing crabs are numerous, all of them situated in the
and Southern slopes of the Pyrenees (
study of crustacean decapods from old collections, housed in the
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXIII - Barcelona 23-01-2019
S. Calzada & J. F. Carrasco. Validez del género Angulithes. 3-4S. Calzada, J. Corbacho & E. Moreno. Nuevas citas de Lima longa en el NE de España. 5-9
- The species
S. Calzada. Sugerencias sobre
algunos bivalvos cretácicos descritos por Coquand (1865).
- Pecten achates
should be
considered as a limid and so should be called
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXIV - Barcelona 30-05-2019
Sebastián Calzada
& Antonio
Abad. Consideraciones sobre la Colección
Fernández de Villalta. 1-3
Sebastián Calzada
& Juan Corbacho.
Una nueva localidad para Viarhynchia
cerdanyolae (Braquiópodo
del Cretácico superior) 4-5
Sebastián Calzada
& José
Francisco Carrasco. Sobre una fáunula
toarciense (Brachiopoda y Bivalvia) de Alós de Balaguer
(Prov. Lérida. NE
España). 6-14
Sebastián Calzada
& José
Francisco Carrasco. Una nueva
localidad para Telothyris jauberti y
braquiópodos (Toarciense) 15-19
Sebastián Calzada
& Eduvigis
Moreno. Una nueva localidad para Psilothyris
corbachoi (Braquiópodo del Cretácico
inferior). 20
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXV - Barcelona 30-10-2019
Manuel Adell. Primera cita del género Petalobrissus en Europa (NE de España). p. 1-4
ABSTRACT - After the study of an echinoid, collected in the Upper Cretaceous of Àger (Lérida Prov., NE Spain), the presence of the genus Petalobrissus is pointed out. For the first time, this genus is cited from Europe.
José A. Buera & Sebastián Calzada. Presencia de Avellana subincrassata en el Albiense de Traiguera. Primera cita en España". p. 5-8
Sebastián Calzada & Antonio Abad. Notas sobre una
etiqueta de un coral del Museo Geológico del Seminario de
Barcelona. p. 9-12
ABSTRACT - A note written by Alloiteau is discussed. This is in connexion with an incomplete label of a Scleractinia.
S. Calzada & Antonio Abad. Una
nueva localidad
para Almiralthyris sampelayoi (Braquiópodo
del Eoceno). p. 13-15
ABSTRACT - A St. Quirze Safaja (Prov.Barcelona) is pointed out as a new locality of Almiralthyris sampelayoi.
A. Montañà, S. Calzada & E. Moreno. Sobre una localidad de Ortholina lujani y el género Ortholina. p. 16-18
ABSTRACT - A locality of Ortholina (Upper Cretaceous) is studied and the suprageneric items of de genus Ortholina are pointed out.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXVI - Barcelona 29-09-2020
Sebastián Calzada. Linotrigonia roigi n. sp. del Cretácico español pp. 1-4
ABSTRACT - Linotrigonia roigi is described and proposed as a new species. It comes from the Upper Cretaceous of NE Spain
Sebastián Calzada. Revisión de Discohelix
ruizi pp. 5-8
ABSTRACT -The original description of Discohelix ruizi is completed and a new figuration is given
Sebastián Calzada. Revisión de Tritonium
almerai y Trochus almerai (Gasterópodos aptienses) pp. 9-15
ABSTRACT -Bataller (1949) described Tritonium almerai and Trochus almerai. After their revision Tritonium almerai becomes Cymatium almerai and Trochus almerai as Discotectus almerai.
Sebastián Calzada. Ringicula puigae n. sp., gasterópodo del Cretácico
catalán pp. 16-19
ABSTRACT - Ringicula puigae a gastropod from catalonian Cretaceous is proposed as a new species.
Sebastián Calzada & José Francisco Carrasco. Sobre Crassatella depressa (Bivalvo del Eoceno) pp. 20-26
ABSTRACT -Crassatella depressa, an eocenic species is studied and some localities where is founded, are cited. The synonymy with Crassatella tumida is questioned. An anomaly of Schlotheim (1820) is pointed up.
Antoni Montañà. Sobre una morfología anómala en ejemplares de Ortholina lujani pp. 27-28
ABSTRACT - Two rare characters are indicated in some specimens of Ortholina lujani. They are not given taxonomic value owing to can be explained by individual adaptations to a clustered or cluster way of life.
Series Malacologica - Numerus IV - Barcelona 15-01-2021
M. Cifre, M. Forés & X. Canyelles. Glycymeris inflata, especie viviente y no fósil. Nuevos datos. pp. 3-14
ABSTRACT - Glycymeris inflata seems to be an actual species and its extinction in the Upper Pleistocene can be explained.
Abad, A. Calzada, S. & Carrasco, J.F., 2021. Presencia de Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis en el Cenomaniense de Villarroya. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis [Ser. palaeontológica], XXVII: 1-5. Barcelona, 1-2-2021
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXVII - Barcelona 01-02-2021
Abad, A. Calzada, S. & Carrasco, J.F., 2021. Presencia de Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis en el Cenomaniense de Villarroya. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis [Ser. palaeontológica], XXVII: 1-5. Barcelona, 1-2-2021
ABSTRACT - Exogyra (Costagyra) olisiponensis is described. The specimens were collected in the Cenomanian of La Rioja (Logroño prov., Spain).
Calzada, S. & Carrasco, J.F., 2021. Cita de Bathyarca glacialis en el Würm marino del litoral catalán. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis [Ser. palaeontológica], XXVII: 6-11. Barcelona, 1-2-2021
S. Calzada & E. Moreno, 2021. Un nuevo nombre genérico para Aspidura montserratensis. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis [Ser. palaeontológica], XXVII: 12-13.
ABSTRACT –The change of generic name of Aspidura montserratensis toa Aspìduriella montserratensis is recorded.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXVIII - Barcelona 01-03-2021
S. Calzada, 2021. Sobre Mytilus aquitanicus en el Mioceno catalán (NE de España). Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis [Ser. palaeontologica], XXVIII: 1-3
Calzada, S., Moreno, E. & Corbacho, J., 2021. Phasianella ungeri Vilanova, 1868 = Pictavia laevigata (Deshayes in Leymerie, 1842). Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis [Ser. palaeontologica], XXVIII: 4-7
Carrasco, J.F, & Cabús, J., 2021. Primera cita de Metalia lonigensis Dames, 1877 (Echinoidea, Eoceno) en España. [First record of Metalia lonigensis Dames, 1877 (Echinoidea, Eocene) in Spain]. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis [Ser. palaeontologica], XXVIII: 8-22
ABSTRACT –Metalia lonigensis had only been found in Priabonian (Upper Eocene) of
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXIX - Barcelona 24-06-2021
ABSTRACT –The synonymy beetwen Lima cottaldina d’Orbigny, 1847 and Lima parallela
(Sowerby, 1812) is confirmed. Several localities with specimens of
these species housed in the Geological Museum of the Seminary of
Barcelona are pointed out.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXX - Barcelona 29-06-2021
Berezovsky, A. A.; Calzada, S. & Carrasco, J. F., 2021. Presencia de Crassatella parisiensis en el Eoceno de Gurb (NE España). Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis. Series Paleontologica- Numerus XXX: 1-3. Barcelona.
ABSTRACT - Crassatella parisiensis
(eocenic bivalve) is pointed out in the bartonian beds of Gurb
(Barcelone Prov.) (NE Spain). So its original distribution (Paris
region) is enlarged 1000 km to South.
Calzada, S.; Carrasco, J. F.; Corbacho, J. & Moreno, E., 2021. Blesa (Prov. Teruel): nueva localidad española de Pseudopecten dentatus. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis. Series Palaeontologica- Numerus XXX: 4-7. Barcelona.
ABSTRACT- The presence of Pseudopecten dentatus in Blesa (Teruel Province, NE of Spain) is noted.
Calzada, S. & Carrasco, J. F., 2021. A specimen of the genus Cataldia in the Cretaceous of Northern Spain. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis. Series Palaeontologica- Numerus XXX: 8-10. Barcelona.
ABSTRACT- A specimen of the genus Cataldia (gastropod) is pointed out in the albian beds of Torre la Ribera (Huesca, prov., N. España).
Calzada, S.; Corbacho, J. & Morrison, S., 2021. About "Epicyprina" expansa. (Cretaceous Bivalve). Oliete: A New Locality. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis. Series Palaeontologica- Numerus XXX: 11-16. Barcelona.
ABSTRACT- The presence of “Epicyprina”expansa
in Oliete (Teruel Province, NE of Spain) is noted. Its generic
assignment is discussed, as it is an internal mold. Part of the fauna
of Oliete, stored in the Geological Museum of the Seminary of Barcelona
(= MGSB) is remembered.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXXI - Barcelona 01-10-2021
S. Calzada & J. F. Carrasco, 2021. Nueva cita del género Bositra en el Bajociense español. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis. Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXXI: 1-3 . Barcelona.
ABSTRACT - The presence of Bositra sp. in Bajocian of Tivenys (Tarragona, prov.NE of Spain) is noted.
Sebastián Calzada & J.F. Carrasco, 2021. Sobre Discotectus coralliophilus Sayn, 1932 (Gasteropoda, Cretácico). Primera cita en España. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis. Series Palaeontologica- Numerus XXXI: 4-10. Barcelona.
ABSTRACT - After the study of specimens stored in the Geological Museum of the Seminary of Barcelona the gastropod Discotectus coralliophilus is
described. The specimens come from the Mina Abandonada of Bilbao (N
Spain). (Cretaceous). So it is the first mention in Spain, and enlarged
its presence over 1000 km to West.
S. Calzada & E. Moreno, 2021. Sobre Chemnitzia aptiensis Landerer, 1872 (Gasterópodo cretácico). Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis. Series Paleontologica- Numerus XXXI: 11-15. Barcelona.
ABSTRACT - After recalling the different generic assignaments of the
species, it is concluded that the most appropiate seems to be Microschiza aptiensis.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXXII - Barcelona 17-01-2022
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXXIII - Barcelona 26-01-2022
A. Abad, S. Calzada & J. F. Carrasco, 2022. Presencia de Gymnentome pizcuetana en Obón (Prov. Teruel) (NE España). Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii
Barcinonensis. Series Palaeontologica- Numerus XXXIII: 1-5.
Sebastián Calzada, 2022. Sobre Delphinula sensuyi Vidal in Bataller, 1949. Scripta Musei Geologici Seminarii Barcinonensis. Series Palaeontologica- Numerus XXXIII: 15-20.
ABSTRACT – The correct generic asignement of Delphinula sensuyi Vidal in Bataller (1949) is discussed. The species must to be assigned to Metriomphalus.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXXIV - Barcelona 04-04-2022
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXXV - Barcelona 01-09-2022
S. Calzada. Sobre Gymnentome pizcuetana. Adiciones p. 1
ABSTRACT - Some new data about Gymnentome pizcuetana are given.
S. Calzada & J. F. Carrasco. Nueva localidad para Plicatula anoiensis pp. 2-5
ABSTRACT - Triste (municipality of Las Peñas de Riglos, Huesca prov., NE Spain) is pointed out as a new locality of Plicatula anoiensis.
S. Calzada, A. López Plà & E. Moreno. Presencia de Cyrtoclymenia sp. (Ammonoideo devónico) en el Piríneo catalán pp. 6-7
ABSTRACT - Alp (Lleida prov., NE Spain) is pointed out as a new locality of Cyrtoclymenia.
S. Calzada& J.F. Carrasco. Sobre un posible Otostoma del Aptiense de El Forcall (Prov. de Castellón) pp. 8-10
ABSTRACT - A croshed mould of possible Otostoma, is described. It comes from Aptian beds of Forcall (Castellón Prov.).
S. Calzada & J. F. Carrasco. Una nueva localidad para Sensuitrochus ferreri pp. 11-13
ABSTRACT - Camarasa (Lérida Prov. NE Spain) as a new locality of Sensuitrochus ferreri is cited. The name of some jointed taxa is given
S. Calzada, J. F. Carrasco & M. Ferrazza. Villabona. Nueva localidad para Liostrea praelonga. Fauna asociada pp. 14-16
ABSTRACT - Villabona (Castellón prov., N Spain) (Aptian) is cited as new locality.
Series Palaeontologica - Numerus XXXVI - Barcelona 21-12-2022
S. Calzada & J.F. Carrasco. Sobre Ampullina pradoana (Vilanova, 1859) nueva
asignación genérica para Natica pradoana Vilanova, 1859, pp. 1-5
ABSTRACT - After the careful study of specimens collected in the aptian beds of Xert (Castellón prov.), type locality, it is proposed that Natica pradoana Vilanova, 1859 must to be included in the genus Ampulllina (Pseudoamaura).
S. Calzada & J. F. Carrasco. Miravete de la Sierra (Prov. Teruel), nueva localidad para Landereria decastroi (Clorophyta-cretácica), pp. 6-8
ABSTRACT - Miravete de la Sierra, (Teruel Prov.) is cited as a new locality of Landereria decastroi (Alga= See weed). The determination of this fossil was always difficult.
S. Calzada & J.F. Carrasco. Sobre Panopea magna Almera & Bofill, 1898. Bivalvo
pliocénico, pp. 9-13
ABSTRACT - A giant specimen of Panopea, coming of Pliocene of Figueres (Gerona Prov., NE Spain), is described and here is proposed to be the neotype of Panopea magna Almera & Bofill, 1898.
S. Calzada& J.F. Carrasco. Sobre Pleuromya morellensis n. sp. (Bivalvo cretácico.
NE España), pp. 14-16
ABSTRACT - Pleuromya morellensis n. sp. is described. There are few species of this genus in Spanish Cretaceous.